We love this new bureau from Italian firm, Horm. As with many of their products the design and execution is beautiful.
We also realised that it’s designed by a Finnish designer – Esa Vesmanen, who trained at the same university as our designer Leo Scarff back in the nineties.
From the Horm web site. All rights reserved
Esa Vesmanen (b. 1965) is an interior architect, product designer and artist. His studio creates interactive exhibition designs, public interiors, products, furniture and public sculpture that prompt immersive experiences, and help us to discover new things about our surroundings, each other and ourselves. As an avid sailor he is fascinated by the subtle changes in the environment and how these can help us to discover beauty, bring us together and make us feel alive.
Vesmanen completed an MA degree in interior architecture and furniture design at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture in Helsinki, and went on to do three years of post-graduate research in the Future Home Institute in the same academy. He subsequently spent a year in Paris studying at the prestigious design school ENSCI Les Ateliers.